Mindfulness morning with the Daffodil Sangha

Daffodil Sangha, practising in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, meet at the Centre one Sunday per month for a morning of mindfulness, and also hold online meetings for those who are unable to attend in person. Everyone is welcome. We meet for two hours from 10-12. The sessions vary but typically include a guided meditation, slow walking mediation, a short silent sitting, a session of sharing in which we develop our capacity to listen deeply to each other and offer loving speech, and a reading of the Five Mindfulness trainings. We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy a cuppa and a chat afterwards in the Centre's lovely cafe. For more information contact Danielle at:

Email: danielleonline23@gmail.com

Location: Samye Foundation Wales Mindfulness & Wellbeing Centre, 250 Cowbridge Road East · Cardiff

Date: SUN, JUL 2 · 10:00 AM BST

Link: https://www.meetup.com/mindfulcardiff/events/293756785/