Hybrid 8 Week Mindfulness Course

This is a 'Hybrid' Mindfulness course and can be accessed online or at our Mindfulness and Wellbeing centre. If you want to do this online once you have paid via eventbrite you will be sent a receipt and the zoom link details will be sent to you in another email.

This 8 Week Mindfulness course with Lorraine will teach you mindfulness skills you can use for the rest of your life whether it is at home, in work or in your leisure time.
If practised, Mindfulness helps you to become more focussed, more calm, less anxious, and less stressed.
You will begin to see patterns/habits that you get caught up in that keep us stuck, You will learn new habits that keep you more present.
Lorraine has many years experience as a practitioner of mindfulness and as a tutor.
If you are working, then the cost is £180 which will include notes each week, and MP3s so you can practise.
If you are a student, unemployed, a returner to our course, or a pensioner we can offer the course to you for £80. 


Date: TUESDAY 9th May 6pm to 7.15pm

Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/8-week-mindfulness-course-with-lorraine-hybrid-course-online-and-venue-tickets-603523814977