4 Week Working Mindfully with the Emotions Course (Stage 3)

This 4 week Mindfulness course is designed to help you deepen your Mindfulness practise by learning more techniques to help you integrate the mind and body, and to gain a deeper understanding of the processes that keep us stuck. Compassion in Mindfulness is at the heart of you deepening your practise and this will be done through a set of exercises that help you to enrich the loving kindness and compassion within.

This course takes place at our dedicated Mindfulness centre in Cardiff. The course is facilitated by tutor Lorraine Harris who is an experienced tutor of mindfulness. Lorraine is a member of the UK Mindfulness Teachers Network as well as a Lead Tutor for the Mindfulness Association. She has also trained with Rob Nairn.

Our Mindfulness centre is wheelchair accessible and a wheelchair accessible toilet is available. Please call us on 02920 228040 or email: admin@sfwales.org so we can prepare the access ramp in advance of your visit.


Please visit our events page for current bookings